Adventure stories intermediate ответы

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Nocd для flatout 2. Сказки подверглись незначительному сокращению и адаптации. A few minutes later I was in the big tent, where I found Red Denny. Ten thirty on the dot! There was no keeper nearby, so the Leopard Man hit the wolf on the nose with the light cane he carried, and returned to take up his unfinished sentence as though there had been no interruption. Дети всего мира зачитываются его рассказами и про любопытного слоненка, про кошку, которая гуляла сама по себе, о том, как леопард стал пятнистым, как было написано первое письмо и др. Постраничный комментарий; упражнения после каждого рассказа, словарь в конце книги. Шекспир Адаптация текста, предисловие, комментарий, упражнения и словарь Е. Английский клуб Серийное оформление: А.

Intermediate short stories A2-B1 These are Intermediate level short stories. They are longer and more challenging to read. Each story has a Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary worksheet. One day, four visitors from England make their way into her village. They have a surprise. Circumstances have brought them together for a common goal. She does not understand these punishments of course! There seems to be no hope and her teachers have given up on her. One day, something important happens to her. He soon outstays his welcome. Read this intermediate short story and find out what happens. It is also a story of tough decisions and haunting memories. You can study different types of Modal Verbs and the Imperative Form with this text. He is 35 years old. He lives in a middle-class suburb of Blantyre with his wife, children, dependents and a maid. He does not like to talk about his past. One morning, he wakes up to an unpleasant surprise. There is a boy in his yard who claims to be a long-lost relative. The night guard thinks otherwise. Did the boy come on his own or was he sent by somebody? What will Lawrence do? Buy it in ePub, Mobi and PDF formats. Worksheets are not included in these versions. Airport patrons are busier. Grace is a quite and timid 23-year-old student on her way back to Paris. A hot afternoon, a surly guard, a chance encounter and a dose of courage. What does it take for a young woman to change in an irrevocable way? Buy it in ePub, Mobi and PDF formats. Worksheets are not included in these versions.

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